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The Central Dogma of genetics is: DNA is transcribed to RNA which is translated to protein.  Protein is never back-translated to RNA or DNA; and except... click here to read more

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The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information. It states that such information cannot be transferred from protein to either protein or nucleic acid.

DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein - that is, DNA is transcribed into an RNA intermediate by RNA polymerase, and the RNA is then translated into a protein by the ribosomes.

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It's probably the major tenant of molecular biology, and it's even true most of the time.

Reverse transcriptase messes things up a bit by reversing the first step, and not all RNA is turned into protein (it can be involved in gene regulation and the construction of riboproteins and various other fun stuffS).

But even so, it's a useful way to think about gene expression.


Prior to cell division, the DNA material in the original cell must be duplicated so that after cell division, each new cell contains the full amount of DNA material. The process of DNA duplication is... click here to read more

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Transcription is the process through which a DNA sequence is enzymatically copied by an RNA polymerase to produce a... click here to read more

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Eventually the mature mRNA finds its way to a ribosome, where it is translated into a protein, another biological polymer. In prokaryotic cells, which have no nuclear compartment, the process... click here to read more

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Ivan pic.JPG (33359 bytes)

Name : Ivan Kon Tai Kiong

IC No. : 860331-52-6067

Matric No. : AC 060086

Year/Course : 2 Bioinformatics

LJ's page.JPG (23176 bytes)

Name: Ting Lee Jang

IC No. : 861221-52-5543

Matric No. AC 060267

Year/Course: 2 Bioinformatics

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Last updated on 23 March 2008

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